What do you take for granted? appreciation commitment forgiveness grandmothers gratitude grief loss love rose colored glasses taken for granted Apr 27, 2022

To start off this blog, I feel I should clarify what I think it means to take something or someone for granted. From my perspective, there are two ways to define this, one is fairly negative and the other positive.

When you hear the term, do you automatically think about how someone has taken...

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The ONE Key to Positive Change addiction alchoholism change forgiveness god healing positive change positivity recovery shift willingness Mar 30, 2022

Just after dinner last night, my Beau, his very wise 12-year-old daughter, and I discussed how some people grow up and become quite a bit like their parents and others grow up and are intentionally opposite. Then there are those that are a bit of both, consciously and subconsciously, which...

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